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University of Pennsylvania


B.S. in Economics, Concentrations in Finance and Statistics - Wharton School of Business

B.S.E in Computer Science, Minors in Mathematics and Data Science - School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

M.S.E in Computer Science - School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Selected Coursework

Computer Science and Math:

  • Algorithms and Data Structures (Rajiv Gandhi)

  • Analysis of Algorithms (Sanjeev Khanna)

  • Advanced Linear Algebra and Optimization Theory (Jean Gallier, MS)

  • Machine Learning (Jake Gardner, MS)

  • Theory of Machine Learning (Michael Kearns, PhD)

  • ​Randomized Algorithms (Sanjeev Khanna, PhD)

  • Distributed Systems (Linh Thi Xuan Phan, MS)

  • Operating Systems Design and Implementation (Boon Thau Loo, MS)

  • Database and Information Systems (Susan Davidson, MS)

  • LLMs and Decision Making (Dan Roth, PhD)

  • Real Analysis (Andrew Cooper)

  • Modern Convex Optimization (Nikolai Matni, PhD)

  • Information Theory (Shirin Bidokhti, PhD)

Statistics and Finance:

  • Probability Theory (Mark Low)

  • Statistics for Data Science (Hamed Hassani, MS)

  • Stochastic Processes (Mark Low)

  • Applied Probability Models in Marketing (Peter Fader, MBA)

  • Reinforcement Learning Theory (Yuting Wei, PhD)

  • Honors Corporate Finance (Itamar Drechsler, MBA)

  • Honors Monetary Economics and the Global Economy (Martin Asher)

  • Investment Management (Robert Stambaugh)

  • Corporate Valuation (David Wessels)

  • Financial Derivatives (Domenico Cuoco, MBA)

  • Fixed Income Securities (Stephan Dieckmann, MBA)

Teaching Assistant for:

  • STAT 430 (Probability Theory) in Fall 2021, Spring 2022, and Fall 2022 (total: 450 students)

  • CIS 520 (Graduate-level Machine Learning) in Fall 2022; Head TA in Spring 2023 and Fall 2023 (total: 600 students)

  • CIS 320 (Analysis of Algorithms) in Spring 2023 (200 students)

  • CIS 625 (PhD-level Theory of Machine Learning) in Fall 2023 (50 students)

  • FNCE 717 (MBA-level Financial Derivatives) in Fall 2023 (40 students)

  • ESE 605 (Modern Convex Optimization) in Spring 2023 (100 students)

    For more information on my activities and organizations at Penn, please see

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