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Keshav Ramji

I'm a recent (Class of 2024) graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where I studied Computer Science (B.S.E, M.S.E), Finance, and Statistics (B.S. in Economics) at the Wharton School. I have been fortunate to be advised by Prof. Surbhi Goel, Prof. Weijie Su, and Prof. Aaron Roth. I also was the founder and president of MLR@Penn, the undergraduate AI and ML research organization and community at Penn.

My research lies at the intersection of natural language processing and statistical machine learning. I aim to build a deeper empirical and mathematical understanding of foundation model behavior towards developing more capable AI agents. In particular, some areas I'm currently excited about are:

  • Incorporating statistical techniques to build:

    • more robust and uncertainty-aware language modeling methods

    • foundation models aligned at scale to desirable human preferences and values

  • Efficient multi-task learning and instruction-tuning, focusing on lightweight adaptation and synthetic data generation

  • Leveraging simple, yet effective methods to improve reasoning in foundation models

I'm open to collaborations or talking about anything related to ML and research -- I especially enjoy mentoring younger students interested in getting involved in the field! Feel free to reach out at

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